The community centre and village hall is the heart of the community. It takes tireless fund raising to cover the basic costs of the hall and we apply for many grants to assist us on the continuous improvements and preservation of the grade two listed building.
Please support your community centre, it has an active program of events every evening and one off social and cultural occasions.
You can find details off all activities on the Llanwddyn newsletter face book page, see the files section for the most up to date edition.
Monday – Yoga – 7.30-8.30pm – £6
Tues – Bowls £3 and Knit and Natter £1 – 7-9pm
Wed – Line dancing £3 – 7.30-9pm
Thursday – Sports club – Primary age £0.50 6.30-7pm Adults and teenagers £2 7-9pm
3rd Friday of every month – Social Evening £1 entry – 7pm until late.
Saturday – Yoga – 9.30-10.30 – £6